Customs trademark Records
- Trademark previously registered in the Trademark Office and in force.
- Written petition completing the attached form together with a certified copy of the trademark registration certificate granted by the Trademark Office together with the power of attorney
- The form is called ADN / DPA, available on the website of the National Customs Office.
Registration Procedure:
- The application is presented at the Customs Office.
- The application is studied and evaluated by the examiner.
- If all the requirements are met, the application registration is granted.
- A registration certificate is issued.
- The registration is valid for the entire duration of the trademark registration at the Trademark Office.
- Copies of the registration dossier are sent to the corresponding customs authorities for contacts and notifications to the owners and / or agents of the industrial property.
Renewal Procedure:
- The renewal of a customs registration shall be carried out with each renewal of a trademark registration at the Trademark Office.
- The owner of a trademark or a trademark attorney is obliged to inform the Customs Office when the right has ceased or terminated for any reason, and will also keep the data up to date.
Address: Prof. Enciso No. 2003 c/Capitán Montanaro. Asunción, Paraguay.
Telephones: (+ 595 21) 285 003 – (+ 595 21) 285 004
P.O. BOX 13020 (Shopping del Sol).
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