Paraguay is a signatory to the Berne Convention, whereby any copyright registration granted in a member country is protected by Paraguay. The current Law on Copyright in Paraguay is Law No. 1328/1998.
- Legal power certified by a Notary Public (for all works).
- Written instructions to register the work (via fax or email).
- Photocopy of the author's identity document.
- Depending on the work to be protected, a sample or photograph is required along with a description of the work, the name of the author and the title.
A copyright protects all works of human ingenuity of a creative nature, in a literary or artistic environment, whatever their gender, form of expression, merit or purpose, nationality or domicile of the author or owner of the copyright or place of copyright. work publication.
The works mentioned in point 1 include the following works:
- Works expressed in written form, through books, magazines, brochures or other written materials, [including] any other form expressed through the use of conventional letters, signs or marks;
- Oral works, such as conferences, conferences and sermons; didactic and other explanations of a similar nature.
- Musical compositions, with or without lyrics.
- Dramatic [or theatrical] and theatrical-musical works.
- Choreographic and pantomimetic works.
- Audiovisual works, including cinematographic works, made or expressed by any means or procedure.
- Broadcasting work.
- Plastic arts works, including drawings, paintings, sculptures, engravings and lithographic works.
- Plans and architectural works.
- Photographic works and those expressed through a process similar to photography.
- Applied arts works.
- Illustrations, maps, diagrams, plans, sketches and plastic works related to geography, topography, architecture and science; computer programs [software].
- Collections of works, such as encyclopedias and anthologies of works or other elements, such as databases, provided that such collections are original in terms of selection, coordination and forms given to their contents.
- In general, any work produced by the [human] intellect in the literary, artistic or scientific fields, which has originality and is capable of being disclosed or reproduced by any means or process, either [the medium or process] or should be known [in the future]. The above list is merely illustrative and not limiting.
The approximate period to complete the process until the registration is granted is two months.
Address: Prof. Enciso No. 2003 c/Capitán Montanaro. Asunción, Paraguay.
Telephones: (+ 595 21) 285 003 – (+ 595 21) 285 004
P.O. BOX 13020 (Shopping del Sol).
Copyright 2019 – FERSA